Düzenli ve Uzaktan Web Sitesi Yedeklemeleri

Düzenli site dışı yedeklemeler, dosyaları düzenli bir programla uzak bir konuma kopyalayarak web sitelerini veri kaybına karşı korumaya yardımcı olur.

Regular website backups involve creating copies of a website's files and database on a regular cadence, such as daily or weekly. This ensures that in the event of hardware failure, hacking, or accidental deletion/corruption of files, there is always a recent backup that can be used to restore the website. Regular local backups involve copying the files to a separate storage device or drive associated directly with the web server. This provides protection in case of isolated server issues, but the backups could still be compromised by events like fires, floods, or theft if stored in the same physical location. 

Backups provide an extra layer of protection by storing backup copies of the website files and database in an offsite location. This safeguards the backups from physical events that could damage onsite backup copies. Remote backups involve transferring copies of the website data over the internet to a cloud-based storage service or another server in a different geographic area. This ensures the latest website files and data can still be accessed to recover or restore the site even in cases of server failure, natural disaster, or other catastrophic event affecting the main web server location. The frequency of remote backups can be customized, with common intervals being daily or weekly. Overall remote website backups provide crucial redundancy for disaster recovery and website file integrity.