Kendi Kendine Barındırılan Açık Kaynak Çözümlerinin Kurulumu

Wordpress veya OwnCloud gibi açık kaynak çözümleri, üçüncü taraf hizmetlerine güvenmek yerine araçları ve uygulamaları kendiniz barındırmanıza olanak tanır. Bunları kurmak için Linux, Apache, MySQL ve PHP (LAMP) gibi uygun yazılımların kurulu ve yapılandırılmış olduğu bir sunucuya ihtiyacınız vardır. Sunucuyu kurduktan sonra, açık kaynak platformunu indirebilir, alanınız ve kullanıcılarınız için yapılandırabilir ve tamamen özelleştirilebilir ve kendi kendini barındıran çözümünüzü çalıştırabilirsiniz.


WordPress is a popular open source content management system (CMS) used by over 30% of websites. Installing a self-hosted WordPress site gives you full control and ownership over your website and data. 

To install WordPress, you will need a web host with PHP and MySQL database support. Many web hosting providers offer this. You can install WordPress by uploading the WordPress files to your host using FTP or the host's control panel. Next you will create a database and user in MySQL. During the famous 5 minute WordPress install process, you will add your database details to configure WordPress. After the setup is complete, you can login and start building your website by adding themes, plugins and content.


ownCloud is a self-hosted open source file sync and share platform. It allows you to store files online with version control and sharing capabilities similar to popular cloud storage services. As it's self-hosted, you own the files and control the security.

The ownCloud server package can be installed on Linux or Windows servers. It uses PHP and MySQL which are common requirements that hosted servers often meet. After installing the ownCloud files on your server, the setup requires creating a database, user and pointing ownCloud to those credentials. Once configured, administrators and users can start syncing folders and uploading files through desktop, mobile and web interfaces for secure on-premise file collaboration.


Moodle is a open source eLearning platform for educators to create online courses and activities. Self-hosted Moodle gives schools, universities and businesses full control over their eLearning environment.  

Moodle has some prerequisites like PHP, MySQL and server components like Apache. Many shared hosts meet these requirements. The Moodle files can be uploaded over FTP or imported through a control panel. After creating the Moodle database and user account in MySQL, you can launch the web installer for configuration. Once Moodle is configured, admins and teachers can start adding learning content and enrolling students onto hosted online courses with collaboration and assessment tools.