Cachelagring är den process där information från en webbplats lagras tillfälligt på disk eller i minne för att göra det snabbare för användarna att hämta informationen i framtiden. Detta förbättrar webbplatsens prestanda genom att minska nätverkstrafiken och serverbelastningen, eftersom det kan gå snabbare att returnera cachad information som bilder, videor och filer än att komma åt den från den ursprungliga källan. Populära cachemetoder är cachning i minnet, CDN-nätverk (Content Delivery Networks) och webbläsarcachning, som kan förbättra prestandan avsevärt för ofta använt innehåll på en webbplats.
Website caching is an important technique for improving the load times and overall performance of a website. Caching involves storing website files, like HTML pages, images, and other media, on the user's computer or on intermediate cache servers so that they don't have to be re-downloaded each time the user accesses that page. This can significantly speed up page load times since fetching files from the cache is much faster than having to retrieve them from the original web server.
There are different types of caching that can be implemented. Browser caching stores files in the browser itself for a certain period of time. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have networks of cache servers distributed geographically to cache files closer to website visitors. Reverse proxy caching serves cached pages stored on a server closer to the user. The overarching goal of all these caching mechanisms is to reduce latency and server load.
Implementing an effective caching setup should be a priority for website owners and developers looking to scale their infrastructure efficiently. The performance gains from even basic caching methods can be substantial, resulting in faster website response times, better user experience, and lower hosting costs. Setting appropriate cache expiration times and cache clearing policies helps strike a balance between freshness of content and speed of delivery. Overall, mastering website caching best practices is key for smooth and snappy website performance.